Before the new world was founded by the British, the life for the African culture was a life of surplus. Mass areas of land, great for herding cattle and farming land. Lands were rich with the first universities, social life, economic life, and a solid foundation of art and culture. What I am about to get into in no way, shape, or form is an intent to proclaim racism and separation. This is just a statement of facts, mixed with my personal opinion.
Jack London, who wrote "To Build a Fire" brought out the concepts of naturalism and natural selection in his stories. This made me want to compare naturalism to "the survival of the fittest", in other words, natural selection.
Now back to the point. Africans lived life through war and prosperity. They survived off the land and the harsh conditions the African continent could supply. When droughts hit, the strong in the tribe would move to the best conditions to fit their needs. Even had slaves, some that were white, and some that were African. Africans used slavery as a means of war, not oppression. Slaves were not neglected and they were not slaves for LIFE. Which was the biggest difference between the Africans and the Trans-Continental slave trade.

Slavery as we know it was the most inhumane act in history, even worse then the Holocaust. Capturing men, women, and children, and shipping them somewhere so foreign they don't even understand the language or the culture they were thrusts into. This form of slavery didn't only take Africans from their homes, it took everything they knew was true of life and balled it up and burned it along with, morals, love, and compassion, and the tried to take the spirit, but that's another entity in itself.
The British were not just taking your muscular men and women, they were taking, scholars, poets, priests, kings and queens. While doing so, dispersing them throughout the new world with over hundreds of other Africans from all over the continent that were also captured who all didn't speak the same language. A recipe for disaster.
Africans were naturally selected into slavery, here's why: The British tried to use Native Americans first, but they would be too weak to work under such harsh circumstances. Also, they knew the terrain and could easily escape and not be captured again. Lastly, the Natives, were that indeed. Natives in the "New World" and the true foreigners, the British were infecting them inadvertently with diseases like small pox and measles. No work could be done.
The British also tried indentured servitude, bringing debtors from Britain to work off there debt in the New World. After 5 years they were free and could earn money and live "free" like every one else. Some Africans, a small percentage came from Britain into this situation. And after white woman, and men began to use the court to contest the servitude because it was too harsh and they deserved better, and remorse was shown.
I guess that leaves the Africans, who later were brought over and brainwashed and sent out in the field to work and think like beasts and heathens. The African race has persevered and been through it all. No other race has had their identity erased and re made by another race and culture, to in return not be accepted fully in every aspect of that culture and way of life. We've lost a lot of people in our race for the rights that were taken and never given back. The ones too weak to handle the conditions they were forced to work in, the cold, the extreme heat, the rain, died. Also the ones weak mentally died fast from the extreme mental deprivations. Lastly, even the strong that ran because they hated their conditions so much, were killed by the hands of the white man.
Africans went through natural selection right before the worlds very eyes, and had to deal with what nature handed to them from the weather to the conditions brought upon them by people who are just the same as them.