Monday, November 26, 2012

The fallibility of the American Dream

Fallible is defined as . (of persons) liable to go astray, committing sinful acts, especially in being deceived or mistaken.
 A Poem By: Jordan Simmons 

In this world things are not what they seem in the land of mystery, the land of Babylon, in the land of the west.
The perception of reality is spiraling towards salvation, drifting further and further away, deeper into the illusion.
The elements of society guiding the righteous spirit into a dark place of solitude and making the human identity faceless, nameless, all in the pursuit of happiness, or is it money.
Every time the body awakes and feet hit the ground the motivation seems to be the all mighty dollar.
The reason we breathe, eat, live, and think the way we do or at least it seems that way.
The spirit of God in us all cries for peace and love, but the illusion of the world, blinds the spirit and the cause.
We breathe the breath of one God, we live for the glory of one God, and we are supposed to do his work, sacrificing the success of the individual for the salvation of the multitude.
The fallibility of the American dream has its hands on our necks and is strangling the life from our very spirits.

 The duel between spirituality and the american dream creates the fallibility in which I speak of. Unseen forces have a strangle hold on society and the things that we perceive as fact and Lee from True West was the symbol that understood that, while Austin on the other hand embraced the American dream and the sense of accomplishment that it can bring. The theme to take away from the fallibility of the American dream and the duel between the two entities is that the contradictions between the two are so great that the human mind continuously tries to recover and blend the two for understanding and finding the balance is what the mind cant recover to do. America strips us of peace and love because in our spirituality we find that peace and love, but the strong influence and need for a green piece of paper with dead white men on them mixed with the deprivation some experience when it comes to money creates greed. Greed will trump peace every time. THINK ABOUT IT! 

Here is Horace Andy singing "Root of All Evil"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Love Is Life Long

If you truly love somebody in the name of the Lord, you'll love them for a lifetime. The love a child should have for his parents should be unlimited. As well for parents, to have an unconditional love for their child.
T.S. Eliot who wrote "The Love Songs" gave me those thoughts when I read his poem. Love has its cycle which is repetitive, like an adolescent to adulthood, like a seed to a full grown flower. You love someone from black to grey (hair is what I'm referring too) and true love has no bounds, no color lines, no religious preference. 

Love is lost in many facets of today's society and who know's when its going to come back, but when words are put together right and disseminated across the world, people can be influenced for the better if the message is positive. That's one reason rap music is viewed in two different lights. The tongue holds power and one day we all should use it collectively, for one cause, for one true right we all deserve. To me, that's love.

 Love By Jordan Simmons
Thoughts wondering, mind racing
Arm pits sweaty, nervousness pounding away in my chest
Wondering why I’m not thinking about her breast
I realized it was because I wanted to be
What beats in her chest
Which I believe is so bright
It can shine through oil at night
I felt love from the start
I swore it was beating deep down in my heart
Would go to the edge of the earth and
Fall off just to have you
Will break my back and kill demons for you.
Just call me Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch
For WHO? For YOU?
That special girl out there
The one I need to survive like no other
My love runs deep so deep
Some nights I can’t even sleep!
Because I want to be your heart and the
Reason why it beats.
Your love so sweet.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Robert Frost Decoded

Robert Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is the poem I read and have a response too.

I believe when Frost says, "Whose woods these are I think I know," he is referring to God, who's house is in heaven, and Frost made the "house in the village" seem so far away. Even though you cannot see God doesn't mean he is not watching. The things you do can seem a little odd to the people around you, but at the same time it is a reason for everything. In this case, the peace and serenity felt on that cold winter night, must of been soothing to the point you would want to stay and soak up the comfort (sounds odd I know). But the character in the poem knows that their is more important work to be done, and in the since of faith. If you ask the Lord to guide you, you have to be willing to walk, and that's the promise. Many miles to go because we never know what God has in store for us and while we are on earth, success doesn't come while you're sleep. When its time for us to rest and sleep that's the day the Lord will call us home.

Here is a poem that I wrote via my Tumblr that I feel is enlightening just like Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

A Message To The World by Jordan Simmons

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Naturalism Comparison

Before the new world was founded by the British, the life for the African culture was a life of surplus. Mass areas of land, great for herding cattle and farming land. Lands were rich with the first universities, social life, economic life, and a solid foundation of art and culture. What I am about to get into in no way, shape, or form is an intent to proclaim racism and separation. This is just a statement of facts, mixed with my personal opinion.

Jack London, who wrote "To Build a Fire" brought out the concepts of naturalism and natural selection in his stories. This made me want to compare naturalism to "the survival of the fittest", in other words, natural selection.

Now back to the point. Africans lived life through war and prosperity. They survived off the land and the harsh conditions the African continent could supply. When droughts hit, the strong in the tribe would move to the best conditions to fit their needs. Even had slaves, some that were white, and some that were African. Africans used slavery as a means of war, not oppression. Slaves were not neglected and they were not slaves for LIFE. Which was the biggest difference between the Africans and the Trans-Continental slave trade.

Slavery as we know it was the most inhumane act in history, even worse then the Holocaust. Capturing men, women, and children, and shipping them somewhere so foreign they don't even understand the language or the culture they were thrusts into. This form of slavery didn't only take Africans from their homes, it took everything they knew was true of life and balled it up and burned it along with, morals, love, and compassion, and the tried to take the spirit, but that's another entity in itself.

The British were not just taking your muscular men and women, they were taking, scholars, poets, priests, kings and queens. While doing so, dispersing them throughout the new world with over hundreds of other Africans from all over the continent that were also captured who all didn't speak the same language. A recipe for disaster.

Africans were naturally selected into slavery, here's why: The British tried to use Native Americans first, but they would be too weak to work under such harsh circumstances. Also, they knew the terrain and could easily escape and not be captured again. Lastly, the Natives, were that indeed. Natives in the "New World" and the true foreigners, the British were infecting them inadvertently with diseases like small pox and measles. No work could be done.

The British also tried indentured servitude, bringing debtors from Britain to work off there debt in the New World. After 5 years they were free and could earn money and live "free" like every one else. Some Africans, a small percentage came from Britain into this situation. And after white woman, and men began to use the court to contest the servitude because it was too harsh and they deserved better, and remorse was shown.

I guess that leaves the Africans, who later were brought over and brainwashed and sent out in the field to work and think like beasts and heathens. The African race has persevered and been through it all. No other race has had their identity erased and re made by another race and culture, to in return not be accepted fully in every aspect of that culture and way of life. We've lost a lot of people in our race for the rights that were taken and never given back. The ones too weak to handle the conditions they were forced to work in, the cold, the extreme heat, the rain, died. Also the ones weak mentally died fast from the extreme mental deprivations. Lastly, even the strong that ran because they hated their conditions so much, were killed by the hands of the white man.

Africans went through natural selection right before the worlds very eyes, and had to deal with what nature handed to them from the weather to the conditions brought upon them by people who are just the same as them.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How Charlotte Perkins Gillman relates to The Freedom Writers

Charlotte P. Gillman wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper" because her doctor told her to rest through her depression, which almost made her go insane. Using literature she was able to break through the adverse sickness she was dealing with and ultimately become a well-known author. From nothing to something can sum Gillman up quickly.

The Freedom Writers, a movie based off of Erin Gruwell's book "The Freedom Writer's Diary". Gruwell helps a group of misled teens through literature by letting the teens be the author of their own story. It unlocks things about each teen that otherwise would have never been known if it was for Gruwell's persistence, faith, and courage.

The Story Behind The Story - "The Freedom Writers"

Ultimately, Gruwell had the prescription to save her students from their depressed, hurtful, struggle through life. Same as Gillman prescribing her own cure for her depression. Both had to persevere through adverse situations to get the result they knew they had been longing for. Adverse situations like Gillman having to rest all day everyday and not being able to write because it may be "too stressful". Or situations like Gruwell wanting to help misled/lost teens find there way in society and the education institution that hinders them daily.

Understand the Freedom Writer's mission here --- FREE YOUR MIND !

At the end of it all, Gillman, Gruwell and her students relate because they persevered through all the turmoil and distress to make something better for themselves and their life. The point that relates them that stands out the most to me is that everyone involved was an author for their own story of life. Someone else didn't write their story or tell them how to live their life, THEY DID.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Emily Dickinson: Does the poor have more of the will to succeed?

Emily Dickinson said "Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed." I would like to elaborate on this from the perspective of being poor, which will lead to an answer to the question presented.

     Being poor, meaning being without money to take care of the necessities in life comes with a lot of frustration but a lot of ambition and pride. Coming from the low income areas in Atlanta, GA I have seen many people proud of where their from, but understanding that it is much better for us in the world. Being born without, meaning the circumstances you have always lived in is all you know causes hunger and the will to have more. You see it a lot in reality television with wealthy families and the children within are very relaxed, carefree. And many people view this as a direct result of the children being born into a family that always has had money. Certain principles or lack there of is a result of becoming complacent, believing that life is not hard, or as hard as "everyone" makes it seem.

Here's a video about the younger Kardashian sisters via Youtube.

A little bit more insight with the video above, I believe the reason they are not going to college is acceptable. The one point not made but is very obvious would be the fact their mother, father and sisters, have been able to put them in a position to succeed without very little initiative or effort. Which on the other hand is what I believe poor people lack. That one person or persons that can influence the outcome of the, succeeding. Poor people have the strong will and want too to succeed, but its other forces preventing that from happening as easy as someone born into that lifestyle.

So to answer the question: I do believe that poor people have the greatest will and taste for success. The problem is, many poor people fail because its less ways or chances they have to succeed. Its all about who you know sometimes over what you know. Established businesses and businessmen know exactly where to go and who to talk too, if they don't they know the answer is usually one phone call away. For the less fortunate, sometimes it can take years to catch that break it takes a connected person 5 minutes to accomplish. So I too agree with the words of Emily Dickinson "To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need."

Here's a video for everyone to sit back and debate about how true some of these points are.

Monday, April 9, 2012

How did Benjamin Franklin Influence society?

     Benjamin Franklin first published his Almanac under the alias Richard Saunders, which many early writers use to do to keep their name clear, especially if they were the first to publish such writing that could stir controversy. He influenced many people who read his Almanac to the point where he began to hear his work being quoted throughout his days. He recollected on those events in his writing "The Way to Wealth", which I would consider a very influential piece of writing. "The Way to Wealth" can be used today to even influence our society because we deal with the same things people in Franklin's time had to deal with, for example, TAXES.

In Benjamin Franklin's "The Way to Wealth" he opened up his way of thinking and pursuing goals in life based off the foundation of TIME. TIME is everything. Every second you waste not pushing toward what you want to get out of life, the longer and harder you may have to work. 
"But dost thou love life, then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of, as Poor Richard says. How much more than is necessary do we spend in sleep, forgetting, that The sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that There will be sleeping enough in the grave, as Poor Richard says." (from "The Way to Wealth")
      He let it be known through his writing that the people of the land should not let the governing body, taxes, disease, sleep, anything of that nature, stop them from getting what they want to get out of life. Time is of the essence and time should never be wasted.

"Industry need not wish, and he that lives upon hopes will die fasting. There are no gains without pains"
     His influence was great on his society and he brought to the light that instead of complaining about their circumstances, its all about the effort and that time you put into your life and into your craft. WORK HARD and NEVER WASTE TIME. He laid a blueprint and a way of visioning your success and reaching it, but just like many people of the past and the present, following through with your goals despite the pressures of life is hard to do. Those that understand how to use time to their advantage are the ones that succeed. THINK ABOUT IT.

Monday, April 2, 2012

How does today's society correlate with Thoreau and Emerson's beliefs?

     Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson were INDIVIDUALS. Sometimes I feel that people in today's society do not understand that we were all created equal but are individuals at the same time. Pursuing things in a world that has a lot of good, but also a lot of bad that is set to hinder our progression as human beings. In our society today people are afraid to be different so they tend to run with whatever trend is in at the current time. Thoreau and Emerson would have wanted more people to be innovative and in my generation I feel like we are losing touch with our individuality. I understand that the United States is considered a melting pot, but its the individual ingredients in the pot that makes it what it is.

     Thoreau stated - "All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours toil. The fight to the finish spirit is the one... characteristic we must posses if we are to face the future as finishers." (more Thoreau quotes)

     We have a lot of teaching and learning to do for our generation and the youth. We have to help everyone to reach their ambitious dreams and aspirations. No matter how far'fetched it may seem, every time we push through adversity , visualize our goal, and withstand the bad times, better things come out of it. We just need progression, its in our spirit to fight until the end. So there is a fighting chance, we just have to take it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How did Edgar Allan Poe influenced my poetry?

Poetry is a form of Artistic Expression 

      Edgar Allan Poe has influenced my ability to write poetry with a conscious. When I say a conscious, I mean the ability to express my inner feelings with out worrying about what the outside world has to say about it. Poe expresses his very own feelings and thoughts in his poetry and the courage it takes to write original art and be criticized in front of the world, virtually I feel has been passes to me. A very quiet guy, but in the inside has a lot to say. School tends to shelter many people into not wanting to speak and express themselves, especially when you cannot see the incentive. I believe for people like Poe and myself, expressing our inner most thoughts cannot be contained by the boundaries of school and are meant to be heard, in one form or another. 

     I have been able to express myself through poetry and written rhyme (hip hop music) for years now, and with that work, I have gained more and more confidence. 

Title: Love
Written By: Jordan Simmons

Thoughts wondering, mind racing
Arm pits sweaty, nervousness pounding away in my chest
Wondering why I’m not thinking about her breast
I realized it was because I wanted to be
What beats in her chest
Which I believe is so bright
It can shine through oil at night
I felt love from the start
I swore it was beating deep down in my heart
Would go to the edge of the earth and
Fall off just to have you
Will break my back and kill demons for you.
Just call me Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch
For WHO? For YOU?
That special girl out there
The one I need to survive like no other
My love runs deep so deep
Some nights I can’t even sleep!
Because I want to be your heart and the
Reason why it beats.
 Your love so sweet.

To check out more artistic expression from me, Neo - Edgar Allan Poe , check out my Tumblr --


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Where does the Headless Horseman rank among other American Monsters?

     Horror Films are a staple in American History. Washington Irving's creation of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow would be an original creation, that would spark horror in many people, and ultimately create a million dollar Industry which we know as horror movies. Washington created the Headless Horseman based off a German folktale. While Tim Burton many years later brought the Headless Horseman to life on the movie screen. When the Headless Horseman is mentioned, it brings fear and scary thoughts out of a lot of people. On a top 100 list of Monsters, rated from scariest.
The Headless Horseman comes in ranked at number 13. 

Scary monsters like Freddy Krueger ( ranked 20) 

The Crypt Keeper (ranked 26)

 and surprisingly enough The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz (ranked number 5) .

The Number 1 Monster of ALL TIME 

     Many other american monsters were ranked on the TOP 100 list and you can see that list here via TOP 100 MONSTERS . I believe the Headless Horseman should be considered in the Top 10 and I do not think Godzilla is number one, even though the time that the monster was created and viewed on film, it swept worldwide, eliciting fear in all people, America to Japan. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

What can society learn from Frederick Douglass?

From Chains to Change

Perseverance: Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.

     Frederick Douglass is a well-known activist and abolitionist. The one quality society can learn from him is his perseverance. Douglass went through so much, but not just him, the entire slave population. They had to endure so much, that instinctively perseverance would arise in the strong minded individuals which some of the slaves were. To be on the same level of legendary status as Frederick Douglass, perseverance, overcoming your obstacles using faith, and always being in control of your life is the way to reach his success. He was a slave, but yet gained freedom and made something for himself. Not only did he make something out of himself, he helped other reach their goal and see that perseverance can lead to great things.

"All great masters are chiefly distinguished by the power of adding a second, a third, and perhaps a fourth step in a continuous line. Many a man has taken the first step. With every additional step you enhance immensely the value of your first." Ralph Waldo Emerson 
(more inspirational quotes here)
The Proof is in the Pudding 

     In society since Frederick Douglass's passing away, many people including African Americans have achieved great things despite the odds that were against them. 

A few African Americans that have persevered and  influenced lives.
    African American influence on the masses is only possible through perseverance, because over time and through history, things have been virtually set in stone, in the way that makes it hard for African Americans to prosper. The good thing about it all, is that people still prosper despite the odds. People like Martin Luther King Jr., Micheal Jordan, and Oprah Winfrey, all came from the bottom of life, the ghetto, the unforgotten places of the world to become greatness and very influential figures, just like Frederick Douglass.


     At the end of the day, Frederick Douglass will be able to provide the future generations proof that no matter the trial or tribulation, perseverance and persistence is the key. "Love thy father" and "Honor Thou Neighbor" because we are in this game called life TOGETHER. Despite those at the top who don't care about the youth, but care about money. Know what you are doing and always be in control.

Comic Relief 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who were the real savages in the 1600s?

     Throughout our reading in class we have talked a lot about colonization and the interactions between Native Americans and the English. John Smith and Mary Rowlandson both in their writings called the Native Americans savages and had terrible opinions about them. The one thing that catches my attention is the fact that no one ever got the Native Americans side of the story, anybody can be a victim if you only let them tell the story. Its pretty well known though that the Englishmen that came over to the New World were savage-like in ways. The Englishmen might have been more "civilized" than the Native Americans, but that doesn't make them superior.

     The Native Americans have been ridiculed and discriminated against for decades just like the African slaves, and once again through history the English come out kind of untouched in the bigger scheme of things. In history, the English are credited with participation in the slave trade and the destruction and exile of Native Americans. Destroying the culture and history of two races and being credited for the holiday we all know as Thanksgivings is what we associate with the English, but more so Thanksgivings than anything.

     The English lost a lot of early settlers by the hands of the natives, but the natives lost EVERYTHING to hands of the English. The proof in the pudding to revealing that the natives lost everything, including culture:

The map of the United States is the proof because of the 48 states that were accumulated over time was either barren land or land occupied by natives that were eventually killed, captured, or forced off their land. The land we know as North America was taken from people who did not deserve it and now we roam their lands, with our democratic government and american culture ruining it bit by bit.

The Native Americans killed for self - defense. Intruders come from overseas to start fresh in your territory, the smart and instinctive thing to do, especially for males is to protect, and that is what they did. 

At the end of the day, I believe the Native Americans were just in some way for their "savage" ways, but the English on the other hand were GREEDY, taking what they want as they see fit. The English helped the natives which is indeed true, but it was help until they got what they wanted, then it was take your land and death to you. Similar to our situation in "America" now with the real - estate economy, we want your land to build a shopping center so we are gonna pay you to move and build on your land. In most cases this leaves the seller of the home out to dry because the american dollar isn't worth much, makes it harder to buy home also in this economy. But the people at the top do not care.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Was Thomas Paine apart of the Free Masons?

"In Deism our reason and our belief are happily united"  
                                                                                                          - Thomas Paine
     Thomas Paine in his era was known as many things, but one thing I begin to question is his connection to the Freemasons. Paine wrote about George Washington (who would eventually become the first president of the United States) in his writing The Crisis, Number 1. George Washington was well known for his connection to the Freemasons, so I researched to see if Thomas Paine was connected to Washington and the Freemasons.
     I Google searched specifically, "Was Thomas Paine a Freemason" and clicked the first link World Union of Deists. Thomas Paine's Thomas Paine on Free Masonry, Part I was available for me to read. Its interesting how Thomas Paine actually has pages written about the origin of Free masonry. He begins to compare Free Mason principles to Christian principles, but its understood that Paine doesn't believe in religion, he believes in only one God so he calls the christian faith a "parody on the worship of the sun".

What intrigues me the most is the fact that Paine knows in detail about the inner workings of the Freemasons. My father is a Freemason and told me their sworn to secrecy and cannot reveal what goes on within the organization. This organization houses people from all walks of life, different cultures, different languages, but they all have common knowledge. Men known worldwide have been associated with Freemasonry, Da Vinci,   George Washington, Benjamin Franklin. Even presidents like The Bush's are associated with the secret society. So how does Thomas Paine know so much if he is not a Freemason?

     This YouTube video documents the hidden faith of the Founding Father's. It can answer a few questions about Thomas Paine. The thing that get me is the fact Thomas Paine in his writings, never said he was a Freemason, so it is all still speculation. The one fact I know for sure is that no man can discuss meanings and inner workings of the Freemasons and for Paine to know so much detail about the secret society has to mean more than meets the eye.
     Another reason I believe you consider Thomas Paine connected to the Freemasons is because a lot of the early members were prominent figures in their society with great influence. Many of them were astrologists, philosophers, artist, mathematicians, scientist, and had many other influential careers. Paine fits the mold completely, being known as an author, pamphleteer, radical, inventor, and revolutionary. With his influential writings and talks during his era, Paine had to be a target for a society of their influence and intellect.

"An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind" - Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How is Religion and Psychology tied together?

Religion: The belief or worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

Psychology: The study of the human mind and its functions, esp. those affecting behavior in a given context.

Definitions found via

     Jonathan Edwards was a pastor during the Great Awakening and his mission was to influence the masses and voice the lifestyle and opinions of Christianity, but to do so you need more than just words to influence people to accept your beliefs and ways of thinking. Understanding basic ideas of psychology can make the task of influencing people easier. Religion and faith is more of a psychological influence, meaning any influence religion has is internal and will impact a person from the inside out.
     Edwards sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God was very vivid and had a lot of imagery;
"There is a dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God; there is hell's wide gaping mouth open; and you having nothing to stand upon, nor any thing to take hold of; there is nothing between you and hell but air; it is only the power and mere pleasure of God that holds you up."(Page 5 of printed version)

     His sermons left still pictures in many of the peoples minds who saw and heard him speak. Through his many metaphors and imagery he slowly shaped the mind of the people with his influence. Through constant repetition also a human can be shaped and molded. Edwards constant repetition of verbal images about hell and walking without guidance, is a basic behavioral analysis principle called shaping. Shaping in psychology is the strengthening of a behavior or a certain thought process through repetition.

     To show how religion and psychology is tied together, I move forward to present day and the battle between people and religion. The fight that Jonathan Edwards and many like him fought decades ago. Over the years from Edwards time on earth until now, people have died over religion and people have changed their religion. Through the years psychology developed the principles of conditioning, and conditioning a group of people to think a certain way and behave in a certain manner has been done since the beginning of religion. Religion persuades a person through faith and belief that what ever done under their faith, for their faith, is just.

Religion is no more than a psychological tool that is used to keep people separated and thinking different. Belief elicits emotion and when emotions run too high, violence increases and the tranquility religion is suppose to bring is diminished. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does Bradstreet's poetry reveal faith bringing prosperity to her life?

     Anne Bradstreet was known for her faith in God and wrote about it in many of her works. She was a loving mother and wife, but she also endured her times of trouble and doubt. She wrote about a lot of her trials and tribulations, and contributed the pain and sin to being weak in her faith.
     In her poem "The Flesh and the Spirit" she compared twins as night and day, good and evil. Flesh being the sister that lives life too fast and forgets that God or (a higher sphere) has a plan for them. She is dreaming  and in search of materialistic things instead of filling her soul with righteousness, as Bradstreet reveals:

         "Then let not go what thou maist find
          For things unknown only in mind" (

    Spirit is the complete opposite, having good morals and living life right, or at least trying too. Living life calm and at peace with meditation and knows glory comes from up above.

         "Thy sinful pleasures I do hate,
          Thy riches are to me to bait.
          Thine honours do, nor will I love,
          For my ambition lies above." (

     Bradstreet revealed in the stanza above, all the pleasures we dwell in and tempt us to do bad are instruments used as bait. And to cure ourselves from being lost in temptation, we are suppose to keep our spirit open to God, because with God good things are to come. She begins to further reveal prosperity through faith when in "To My Dear and Loving Husband", she says "The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray." She was saying how much she loved her husband and she prayed the heavens rewarded her for having a strong faith and carrying out God's plan. (Line 10)
     The enlightening "To My Dear Children" is where she really revealed a lot about her faith and battles with good and evil. She revealed how she lived a life where she could not keep evil on her soul and always had to pray til she was relieved of the pain. She tells her children that she had to pray and pray until she was blessed with a child. (

     I believe through Anne Bradstreet's writings she revealed that in her life she got where she was through faith in God. The bad she encountered, she realized it and confessed and as she did so she began to prosper in life. So with the ups and downs, she began to realize and reveal in her works to stay on the path of righteousness, prayer is the way. Let God guide your footsteps is what I feel she tried to live by, and it guided her to prosperity and the knowing that after her death, her writings lives on.

WATCH this video, its a poet that expresses feeling about religion, good vs evil, and life, and ties in with Anne Bradstreet's way of letting God guide.



Monday, January 23, 2012

Were John Smith's goals the reason for Jamestown's success?

John Smith's Goals -----

  • Encourage a policy for farming to replenishing food for the colony.
  • Enforce a strict code pf discipline.
  • Strengthen Defense.

John Smith is well known from his part in the Disney movie Pocahontas, but he is also known for his leadership in shaping the new world and the colony of Jamestown. Jamestown was a colony set up, at that time in 1607 for Englishmen and boys to go out and search the new world for gold, in hopes for coming up successful like the Spaniards in South America. 144 total people came over on the initial voyage to the New World, Virginia to be exact. Doing little farming since they were sent out to search for gold, the colony began to suffer as food diminished and the harsh winter struck the colonist along with malaria, a serious disease.
After the first year, 38 people were left from the original 144, then John Smith brings his leadership to save the colony from perishing. He was very strict and had the motto "Work or Starve", and anybody hearing those words would be smart to follow the motto as code. He also made it rule that every person had to spend four hours farming each day, which began to replenish the food. In 1609, John Smith had to return to England after a gun powder incident. He would never return to the colony.
History shows that John Smith was the reason for Jamestown's success due to the fact the goals he set out to accomplish improved the colony a full year leading up to his departure. The colony was on the verge of perishing and being executed by the Powhatan tribe. Smith becoming a subordinate chief in the tribe can be credited with keeping the Powhatan's from attacking the colony. And even after his departure he still promoted the further colonization of Virginia. He encourage more men and woman to follow and go to Virginia, convincing everyone that the new world was the "land of opportunity."
John Smith did receive another chance to return to the New World, but not Virginia, he made a successful voyage to Maine and the Massachusetts Bay area, and he named it New England. It would be his last successful trip to the New World. 

More Information on John Smith and the colonization of the New World can be found in the links below:

Below is a video about the Jamestown Colony, a lot of great facts:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Real Me

I'm formally known as Jordan Ahmad Simmons, but people close to me call me Smoove, get to know me and you will understand why.

I'm from Atlanta, GA the best city in the land, but in my younger years stayed in New York (Syracuse), and also Fort Campbell, KY, my dad was in the military.

I'm 20 years old and I'm an Aries, and I have a 5 1/2 month old son named Cayman Cashmere Simmons, and everything I'm working toward is for him. And below is a picture of my little man:

I also make music and I'm apart of the rap group known as LEAD (Loyalty Everyday All Day), and we make quality music, for the people. Here's the link to our YouTube Channel and some of our music:

And here is a video from that YouTube Channel ------> Check it out: