Throughout our reading in class we have talked a lot about colonization and the interactions between Native Americans and the English. John Smith and Mary Rowlandson both in their writings called the Native Americans savages and had terrible opinions about them. The one thing that catches my attention is the fact that no one ever got the Native Americans side of the story, anybody can be a victim if you only let them tell the story. Its pretty well known though that the Englishmen that came over to the New World were savage-like in ways. The Englishmen might have been more "civilized" than the Native Americans, but that doesn't make them superior.
The Native Americans have been ridiculed and discriminated against for decades just like the African slaves, and once again through history the English come out kind of untouched in the bigger scheme of things. In history, the English are credited with participation in the slave trade and the destruction and exile of Native Americans. Destroying the culture and history of two races and being credited for the holiday we all know as Thanksgivings is what we associate with the English, but more so Thanksgivings than anything.
The map of the United States is the proof because of the 48 states that were accumulated over time was either barren land or land occupied by natives that were eventually killed, captured, or forced off their land. The land we know as North America was taken from people who did not deserve it and now we roam their lands, with our democratic government and american culture ruining it bit by bit.
The Native Americans killed for self - defense. Intruders come from overseas to start fresh in your territory, the smart and instinctive thing to do, especially for males is to protect, and that is what they did.